
MORALITY -What is morality?

Morality is the whole of duties prescribed by God for man.

-Can there be a true morality without God and religion?

No, there can be no true morality without God and religion.

-Why can there not be a true morality without God and religion?

There can be no true morality without religion and God because God alone can prescribe duties for mart and reward or punish them according to their real worthiness.

-Where can we find our obligations to God?

We can find our obligations to God in the laws or command­ments of God and His Church.

-What are the laws or commandments of God?

The laws or commandments of God are those, which are given to man through reason, by Revelation and by the teachings of the Church.

-What is conscience?

Conscience is the internal recognition of right and wrong as revealed by God through the Bible and the Church.

FAITH -Which are the greatest Christian virtues?

The greatest Christian virtues are: Faith, Hope, and Charity.

-What is faith?

Faith is the virtue infused inour souls by God and by which we firmly believe all the truths the Church teaches, and by which we have complete confidence in God.

-Is the denial of out faith pardonable?

No, the denial of our faith is not pardonable. We should not deny it, even under the threat of death.

-How do we lose our faith or endanger it?

We lose our faith or endanger it by neglecting our religions instructions and practices, such as reading the Holy Bible, attending the Divine Liturgy, having frequent Holy Com­munion; also we endanger our faith by frequenting profane places and reading books that are harmful for our souls.

HOPE AND LOVE -What is hope?

Hope is the virtue by which we trust that God will give us His graces on this earth and eternal happiness hereafter.

-What is our hope based on?

Our hope is based on God’s omnipotence, on His infinite goodness, on His promises, and the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ.

-How do we sin against hope?

We sin against hope by despair and doubt, by presumption and deceit.

-What is love or charity?

Charity is the greatest of the virtues by which we love God above all things and our neighbors as ourselves for God’s sake.

-What does it mean to love God above all things?

To love God above all things means to love Him above all creatures and sacrifice all things for His love, and never say or do anything against His will.

-Why should we love others as ourselves?

We should love others as ourselves, because that is the com­mandment of our Lord, Jesus Christ; because we are all created by the same Creator, and because we are all saved by the Blood of Jesus Christ, and we are Gods children and brothers and sisters.

-How can we express our love toward others?

We can express our love toward others by giving them moral and material help, and by forgiving them all the wrongs committed against us.

VIRTUES -What are the other chief Christian virtues?

They are prudence, justice, fortitude, temperance, piety, humility, chastity.

-How do these virtues dispose us to lead good lives?

1.Prudence disposes us in all circumstances to form right judgments about what we must do or not do.

2.Justice disposes us to give every one what belongs to him.

3.Fortitude disposes us to do what is good and to say what is right in spite of any difficulty.

4.Temperance disposes us to control our desires and to use rightly the things, which please our senses.

5.Piety disposes us to love and worship God, as well as to honor and respect our parents.

6.Humility disposes us to acknowledge our limitations.

7.Chastity or purity disposes us to be clean in soul and body.

-What are some other virtues?

They are:

1.Obedience, which disposes us to do the will of our superiors.

2.Veracity, which disposes us to tell the truth.

3.Liberality, which disposes us to use worldly goods rightly.

4.Patience, which disposes us to bear up under trials and difficulties.

5.Patriotism, which disposes us to love and defend our country and to respect its flag.


-What is mortal sin?

Mortal sin is a grievous offense against the law of God.

-Why is this sin called mortal?

This sin is called mortal, or deadly, because it deprives the sinner of sanctifying grace, the supernatural life of the soul.

-What else does mortal sin do to the soul?

Mortal sin:

1.Makes the soul an enemy of God.

2.Takes away the merit of all its good deeds.

3.Deprives it of the right to everlasting happiness in heaven.

4.Makes it deserving of everlasting punishment in hell.

-What are the mortal sins?

They are pride, envy, anger, sloth, covetousness, gluttony, and lust.

VENIAL SIN -What it venial sin?

Venial sin is a less serious offense against the law of God, committed mostly unwillingly and unknowingly.
-How does venial sin harm us?
Venial sin harms us by:

1.Making usless fervent in the service of God.

2.Weakening our power to resist mortal sin.

3.Making us deserving of God’s punishment.

-How can we keep from committing sin?

We can keep from committing sin by


2.Receiving Sacraments.

3.Remembering that God is always with us.

4.Recalling that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit.

5.Keeping occupied with work or communal service.

6.Promptly resist lug the source of sin within us.

7.Avoiding the occasions of sin.